Dr. Giorgio Casinovi – Publications
Accurate Transient Simulation of Interconnects Characterized
by Band-Limited Data With Propagation Delay Enforcement in a
Modified Nodal Analysis Framework
S. N. Lalgudi, E. Engin, G. Casinovi and M. Swaminathan
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 715–729, August 2008
A numerical-convolution-based approach has been proposed for the
accurate transient simulation of interconnects characterized by
band-limited (b.l.) frequency-domain (f.d.) data and terminated
by arbitrary equivalent circuits. Propagation delay is enforced
in the transient results by obtaining causal impulse responses
from b.l.f.d. data, extracting the propagation delays from them,
and enforcing the delays in the causal impulse responses. Causal
impulse responses are obtained through a new minimum-phase/all-pass
decomposition of the frequency data. In this decomposition, a new
form for the all-pass component has been proposed that preserves
the sign of the original frequency response in the reconstructed
response, unlike the prior approaches, leading to an accurate
transient result. Arbitrary terminations are conveniently handled
by integrating the numerical convolution in a modified nodal
analysis (MNA) framework, a framework used by commercial circuit
simulators, through a new transient simulation formulation.
Numerical results demonstrating the accuracy and capability of
the proposed procedure have been presented.
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Last revised on January 14, 2014.